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Maximize your study efficiency with these 40+ tips. Create a study schedule to stay organized and use active learning techniques like summarizing and teaching concepts. Practice past...

There’s a quote that’s often attributed to Albert Einstein which goes: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Whether or not Einstein...

Flash cards are one of the classic study tools, and for good reason – they promote studying through active recall, which is one of the practices through...

I’ll just say what we’re all thinking: studying takes too much time. There are only 24 hours in a day, and naturally you’d like to use as...

Heading off to college is kind of like leveling up in a video game. In high school, the tests and courses were smaller bosses that you could...

Your brain has more than a trillion synapses, which is equivalent to a 2.5 million gigabytes (2.5 petabytes) of memory storage. That's enough to hold three million...

Studying is often considered boring, right? Every time you open a textbook or prep for a test, distractions abound. You'd rather be doing anything else, like skydiving or...

If you’re a normal person and not a weirdo like me, then you probably hate essay questions on exams. I mean, exams are already a huge source...

When it comes to multiple choice tests, there's a popular piece of advice: "When in doubt, always pick C." Maybe you heard it was B. This advice...

Anxiety on test day can make you feel like you’re alone in the wilderness. You might feel trapped in your own mind, afraid that one wrong answer could...

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