Neuroscience Exploring the Brain 4th Edition


  • ISBN :9780781778176
  • File Size :PDF, 47.19 MB
  • Language :English
  • Print Length :1019
Cover of Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain 4th Edition


Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain 4th Edition (ISBN13 9780781778176) is a comprehensive and accessible textbook that delves into the organization and function of the human nervous system. Designed for both science and nonscience students, this textbook is comparable in scope and depth to an introductory college biology course. The book is structured into four parts, each providing a thorough exploration of key topics in neuroscience.

Part I: Foundations introduces the modern field of neuroscience, covering its historical development, the structure and function of neurons, and the communication systems that make up the nervous system. Part II: Sensory and Motor Systems examines the brain’s role in processing sensory information and commanding voluntary movements. Part III: The Brain and Behavior explores the neurobiology behind human behaviors, such as motivation, emotion, sleep, and mental illness. Finally, Part IV: The Changing Brain discusses how the brain is modified by environmental factors, focusing on development, learning, and memory.

With contributions from leading experts, including Nobel Prize winners, and featuring engaging illustrations, animations, and real-life research experiences, this text provides a rich learning experience for students interested in the field of neuroscience.

Key Features:

  • Path of Discovery Boxes: Insights from leading experts in neuroscience, showcasing the real-life paths to scientific discovery.
  • Illustrations and Animations: Help clarify complex concepts, making the material more accessible.
  • Neuroanatomy Atlas Insert: Large images highlighting brain anatomy, along with a self-quiz for students to test their understanding.
  • Of Special Interest Boxes: Connect theoretical concepts with practical neuroscience applications.
  • Brain Food Boxes: Provide additional information on essential topics in neuroscience.

Table of Contents:

Part I: Foundations

  1. Neuroscience: Past, Present, and Future
  2. Neurons and Glia
  3. The Neuronal Membrane at Rest
  4. The Action Potential
  5. Synaptic Transmission
  6. Neurotransmitter Systems
  7. The Structure of the Nervous System

Part II: Sensory and Motor Systems 8. The Chemical Senses
9. The Eye
10. The Central Visual System
11. The Auditory and Vestibular Systems
12. The Somatic Sensory System
13. Spinal Control of Movement
14. Brain Control of Movement

Part III: The Brain and Behavior 15. Chemical Control of the Brain and Behavior
16. Motivation
17. Sex and the Brain
18. Brain Mechanisms of Emotion
19. Brain Rhythms and Sleep
20. Language
21. The Resting Brain, Attention, and Consciousness
22. Mental Illness

Part IV: The Changing Brain 23. Wiring the Brain
24. Memory Systems
25. Molecular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory

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